Once again the left shows they're willing to goto any length to cheat.
This guy attempt to debunk
She tells her own personal story
Check for yourself
registration: https://myinfo.alabamavotes.gov/voterview
Link to check if a ballot was cast: https://myinfo.alabamavotes.gov/voterview
Link to check voter registration: https://myvoterinformation.alaska.gov/
Link to check if a ballot was cast: ?
Note: Site only active 7am-8pm Alaska Time
Link to check voter registration: https://my.arizona.vote/AbsenteeTracker.aspx
Link to check if a ballot was cast: https://my.arizona.vote/AbsenteeTracker.aspx
Note: State ID required. Alt tracker for Provisional: https://my.arizona.vote/provisionalsearch.aspx
Link to check voter registration: https://www.voterview.ar-nova.org/VoterView
Link to check if a ballot was cast: https://www.voterview.ar-nova.org/VoterView
Link to check voter registration: https://voterstatus.sos.ca.gov/
Link to check if a ballot was cast: https://voterstatus.sos.ca.gov/
Note: requires state ID or last 4 of social. Alt tracker: https://california.ballottrax.net/voter/
Link to check voter registration: https://portaldir.ct.gov/sots/LookUp.aspx
Link to check if a ballot was cast: https://portaldir.ct.gov/sots/LookUp.aspx
Note: Registration and Absentee only
Link to check voter registration: https://portaldir.ct.gov/sots/LookUp.aspx
Link to check if a ballot was cast: https://portaldir.ct.gov/sots/LookUp.aspx
Note: Registration and Absentee only
Link to check voter registration: https://ivote.de.gov/VoterView
Link to check if a ballot was cast: https://ivote.de.gov/VoterView
Note: Registration and Absentee only
Link to check voter registration: https://registration.elections.myflorida.com/CheckVoterStatus
Link to check if a ballot was cast: https://dos.myflorida.com/elections/for-voters/check-your-voter-status-and-polling-place/voter-precinct-lookup/
Link to check voter registration: https://www.mvp.sos.ga.gov/MVP/mvp.do
Link to check if a ballot was cast: https://www.mvp.sos.ga.gov/MVP/mvp.do
Note: Registration, Provisional, and Absentee ballot check
Link to check voter registration: https://ballotstatus.hawaii.gov/
Link to check if a ballot was cast: https://ballotstatus.hawaii.gov/
Note: Mail Ballot only, requires State ID and last 4 of Social
Link to check voter registration: https://ballotstatus.hawaii.gov/
Link to check if a ballot was cast: unknown
Link to check voter registration: n/a
Link to check if a ballot was cast: https://elections.il.gov/ElectionOperations/ElectionAuthorities.aspx
Military ballots: https://move.elections.il.gov/
Provisional ballots: https://elections.il.gov/VotingAndRegistrationSystems/ProvisionalBallotSearch.aspx
Note: some counties track ballots but not all.
Link to check voter registration: https://indianavoters.in.gov/
Link to check if a ballot was cast: https://indianavoters.in.gov/
Link to check voter registration: https://sos.iowa.gov/elections/voterreg/regtovote/search.aspx
Link to check if a ballot was cast: https://sos.iowa.gov/elections/absenteeballotstatus/absentee/search
Note: Absentee ballot check only
Link to check voter registration: https://myvoteinfo.voteks.org/voterview
Link to check if a ballot was cast: https://myvoteinfo.voteks.org/voterview
Note: Mail-in ballot status
Link to check voter registration: https://vrsws.sos.ky.gov/vic/
Link to check if a ballot was cast: https://vrsws.sos.ky.gov/vic/
Note: Unclear as to whether this tracks receipt of returned absentee ballots
Link to check voter registration: https://voterportal.sos.la.gov/Home/VoterLogin
Link to check if a ballot was cast: UNK
Note: Unclear as to whether this tracks ballots
Link to check voter registration: UNK
Link to check if a ballot was cast: https://apps.web.maine.gov/cgi-bin/online/AbsenteeBallot/ballot_status.pl
Note: Unclear as to whether this tracks returned ballot status
Link to check voter registration: https://voterservices.elections.maryland.gov/VoterSearch
Link to check if a ballot was cast: https://voterservices.elections.maryland.gov/VoterSearch
Link to check voter registration: https://www.sec.state.ma.us/VoterRegistrationSearch/MyVoterRegStatus.aspx
Link to check if a ballot was cast: https://www.sec.state.ma.us/wheredoivotema/track/trackmyballot.aspx
Link to check voter registration: https://mvic.sos.state.mi.us/Voter/Index
Link to check if a ballot was cast: https://mvic.sos.state.mi.us/Voter/Index
Note: Same portal for both Registration and Absentee Ballot status
Link to check voter registration: https://mnvotes.sos.state.mn.us/VoterStatus.aspx
Link to check if a ballot was cast: https://mnvotes.sos.state.mn.us/AbsenteeBallotStatus.aspx
Link to check voter registration: N/A
Link to check if a ballot was cast: N/A
Note: Contact your county clerk to check on the status of your ballot: https://www.sos.ms.gov/MSCountyElectionInfo/
Link to check voter registration: N/A
Link to check if a ballot was cast: N/A
Note: No Portal seems to exist
Link to check voter registration: https://app.mt.gov/cgi-bin/voterinfo/voterinfo.cgi
Link to check if a ballot was cast: https://app.mt.gov/cgi-bin/voterinfo/voterinfo.cgi
Note: Registration and Mail-In status
Link to check voter registration: https://www.votercheck.necvr.ne.gov/voterview
Link to check if a ballot was cast: https://www.votercheck.necvr.ne.gov/voterview
Link to check voter registration: https://www.nvsos.gov/votersearch/
Link to check if a ballot was cast:
Note: Seems to only track registration and past voting history. Unclear as to whether ‘voting history’ includes current election
New Hampshire
Link to check voter registration: N/A
Link to check if a ballot was cast: https://app.sos.nh.gov/Public/AbsenteeBallot.aspx
Note: Unclear whether Absentee ballot search returns data on cast ballots
New Jersey
Link to check voter registration: https://voter.svrs.nj.gov/registration-check
Link to check if a ballot was cast: https://www.nj.gov/state/elections/vote-track-my-ballot.shtml
Note: You must create an account to track your ballot
New Mexico
Link to check voter registration: N/A
Link to check if a ballot was cast: https://voterportal.servis.sos.state.nm.us/WhereToVote.aspx?tab=AbsenteeTracker
Note: Unclear whether this tracks cast ballots
New York
Link to check voter registration: https://voterlookup.elections.ny.gov/
Link to check if a ballot was cast: https://nysballot.elections.ny.gov/TrackMyBallot/Search
North Carolina
Link to check voter registration:
Link to check if a ballot was cast: https://northcarolina.ballottrax.net/voter/
Note: Absentee ballots only
North Dakota
Link to check voter registration: https://vip.sos.nd.gov/WhereToVote.aspx?tab=&ptlPKID=&ptlhPKID=
Link to check if a ballot was cast: https://vip.sos.nd.gov/AbsenteeTracker.aspx
Link to check voter registration: https://www.sos.state.oh.us/elections/voters/toolkit/ballot-tracking/
Link to check if a ballot was cast: https://www.sos.state.oh.us/elections/voters/toolkit/ballot-tracking/
Note: This links to a county map. Each county has a separate tracking site(s).
Link to check voter registration: https://okvoterportal.okelections.us/
Link to check if a ballot was cast: https://okvoterportal.okelections.us/
Note: Registration only? Parts of OK Elections board website indicate you can track absentee ballots here. Unsure.
Link to check voter registration: https://secure.sos.state.or.us/orestar/vr/showVoterSearch.do
Link to check if a ballot was cast: https://secure.sos.state.or.us/orestar/vr/showVoterSearch.do
Link to check voter registration: https://www.pavoterservices.pa.gov/Pages/voterregistrationstatus.aspx
Link to check if a ballot was cast: https://www.pavoterservices.pa.gov/Pages/BallotTracking.aspx
Provisional Ballot Check: https://www.pavoterservices.pa.gov/Pages/ProvisionalBallotSearch.aspx
Rhode Island
Link to check voter registration: https://vote.sos.ri.gov/Home/UpdateVoterRecord?ActiveFlag=3
Link to check if a ballot was cast: https://vote.sos.ri.gov/Home/UpdateVoterRecord?ActiveFlag=3
Note: Separate tabs on the page, but apparently bring up the same form.
South Carolina
Link to check voter registration: https://info.scvotes.sc.gov/eng/voterinquiry/VoterInformationRequest.aspx?PageMode=VoterInfo
Link to check if a ballot was cast: https://info.scvotes.sc.gov/eng/voterinquiry/VoterInformationRequest.aspx?PageMode=AbsenteeInfo
Provisional Ballot Check: https://info.scvotes.sc.gov/eng/voterinquiry/VoterInformationRequest.aspx?PageMode=ProvisionalBallotInfo
Note: Registration, Provisional, and Absentee Only
South Dakota
Link to check voter registration: https://vip.sdsos.gov/VIPLogin.aspx
Link to check if a ballot was cast: https://vip.sdsos.gov/VIPLogin.aspx
Link to check voter registration: https://tnmap.tn.gov/voterlookup/
Link to check if a ballot was cast: https://tnmap.tn.gov/voterlookup/
Note: Registration and Absentee/Mail Ballots
Link to check voter registration: https://teamrv-mvp.sos.texas.gov/MVP/mvp.do
Link to check if a ballot was cast: https://webservices.sos.state.tx.us/FPCA/index.aspx
Link to check voter registration: https://secure.utah.gov/voterreg/login.html?selection=UPDATE
Link to check if a ballot was cast: https://votesearch.utah.gov/voter-search/search/search-by-voter/track-mail-ballot
Link to check voter registration: https://mvp.vermont.gov/
Link to check if a ballot was cast: https://mvp.vermont.gov/
Link to check voter registration: https://vote.elections.virginia.gov/VoterInformation/Lookup/status
Link to check if an absentee ballot was cast: https://ballotscout.org/partners/5a8f1161-23a0-4fa0-8ec9-3e090e97e9b3/va-search
Note: To check provisional ballot: https://www.elections.virginia.gov/citizen-portal/
Link to check voter registration: https://voter.votewa.gov/WhereToVote.aspx
Link to check if a ballot was cast: https://voter.votewa.gov/WhereToVote.aspx
West Virginia
Link to check voter registration:
Link to check if an absentee ballot was cast: https://services.sos.wv.gov/Elections/Voter/AbsenteeBallotTracking
Link to check if a provisional ballot was cast: https://services.sos.wv.gov/Elections/Voter/ProvisionalBallotSearch
Link to check voter registration: https://myvote.wi.gov/en-us/MyVoterInfo
Link to check if a ballot was cast: https://myvote.wi.gov/en-us/TrackMyBallot
Link to check voter registration: N/A
Link to check if a ballot was cast: https://sos.wyo.gov/Elections/Docs/WYCountyClerks_AbsRequest_VRChange.pdf
Note: Contact your county clerk